12 Benefits of Managed Security Services

benefits of managed security services

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Nowadays, businesses are facing an increasing number of cybersecurity threats. These threats can be anything from simple phishing scams to advanced ransomware attacks. But if you don’t have the in-house expertise or resources to protect your organisation, it can be difficult. That’s where managed security services (MSS) come in to help you.

Managed security service providers (MSSPs) offer a wide range of security services, including round-the-clock security monitoring, threat detection and response, vulnerability assessment and patching, security awareness training, network security, cloud security, and more, to help you secure your company from cyberattacks.

This blog will discuss the 12 benefits of managed security services in detail, as well as how they can help your business stay secure, compliant and competitive.

Benefits of Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)

24/7/365 threat monitoring and detection

Real-time threat detection and monitoring by a security operations centre (SOC) improves the cybersecurity of your organisation. Since cyberattacks can happen at any time, and the longer an attacker has access to your organisation’s systems, the greater will be the cost and potential impacts on your organisation. Thus, 24/7 threat monitoring is critical for the cybersecurity and risk management of your organisation. But just 24/7 monitoring isn’t enough.

Managed security service providers can respond to threats that occur in your network accurately and quickly with their 24/7 support. In case of a breach, they also implement remediation plans immediately to control damage and make sure your company doesn’t suffer too much damage.

Rapid incident response

Rapid response to cybersecurity incidents is vital to minimise the damage and expenses your organisation faces. Because the longer an attacker has access to your network, the more opportunities they have, to steal your valuable information or to initiate an attack that causes irreversible damage, such as ransomware or wiper malware.

However, incident response activities often require security specialists with special skills. For example, an incident response team may need digital forensics experts to assess the scale of the attack or a malware analyst to identify the capabilities of malicious code or to determine the scope of an attack in your system and remediate it effectively. Hiring these experts full-time to ensure they are immediately available whenever you require them can be difficult as well as expensive.

When you partner with an MSSP, you get access to a team of experts who can jump into action right away whenever there’s a problem. They know what to do to handle cybersecurity incidents fast and keep your organisation safe.

Access to expertise

Managed security services offer you a team of experts who know much about keeping your company safe online. They have all the tools and skills needed to monitor security threats, update your systems, and fix vulnerabilities at a reasonable cost.

Since these security professionals have more experience with a wide range of vulnerabilities than an in-house system team, they also help you to protect the data of your organisation by maintaining security layers such as software patching, DNS security, firewalls, anti-malware, anti-phishing software, credential managers, IAM tools, and many more.

Tool configuration and device management

Using cybersecurity tools is important for keeping your company safe from online threats. However, these tools need to be set up and maintained properly by an expert. If they’re not, they could even create new cybersecurity risks for your organisation.

When you work with an MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider), you don’t have to worry about setting up or maintaining these tools yourself. The MSSP takes care of everything, making sure your company stays protected without you needing to hire your own cybersecurity experts.

Compliance and regulations management

Maintaining your organisation compliant with data protection and cybersecurity rules is difficult these days. There are a lot of rules to follow, like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act (HIPAA) and others that apply to different industries. As these rules get more complicated, you might need help to make sure your organisation meets them.

An MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) can help you with compliance. They can set up security measures, collect the right data for compliance reports automatically, and help with audits and reports to regulators. This way, you can focus on running your business while they take care of staying within the rules.

Vulnerability and risk assessment

A robust security protocol is incomplete without regular vulnerability assessments. When you work with a managed security service, they regularly check your network from the inside and outside. If they find any problems, they fix them by changing settings and updating software on all your computers, devices, and applications.

You can see the results of these vulnerability and risk assessments on a dashboard or in reports that are easy to understand. These reports show you what problems were found and how to fix them. The security experts also give you advice on how to make your systems even safer and avoid mistakes that might look like threats but aren’t really dangerous.

Update and patch management

Since the threat landscape is rapidly changing and new security flaws and vulnerabilities are being discovered, managed security services companies make sure that your security systems are up-to-date by regularly updating and fixing any issues with your software and security tools. This eliminates potential access points for attackers while increasing the security of your company systems.

Managed service providers handle all these regular updates and manage the system patches, which saves your business time and ensures that your enterprise systems are always protected.

Access to threat intelligence

The cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving, thus your organisation needs to have access to the most up-to-date information to protect themselves from emerging attacks. Many organisations use threat intelligence feeds to get this information. However, a subscription to a threat intelligence feed only provides you with the raw data that your organisation needs to identify new threats. But just having this data isn’t enough. Your organisation also needs to have data analytics capabilities and cybersecurity consultants and specialists to maximise the use of this data.

Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) have both the tools and the experts needed to make the most of this data. They can easily use threat intelligence feeds alongside their other security systems to keep their customers safe from the latest cyber threats.

Cost-efficient solution

Setting up a cybersecurity system can cost a lot of money. You need to hire and train skilled people, keep your technology up-to-date, and pay for licenses. For small and medium-sized businesses, having their own in-house security team is too expensive.

That’s where MSSPs come in. They’re like a more affordable option compared to having your cybersecurity team. MSSPs use a shared system, which means they help lots of businesses at once using the same setup. Each business gets its own space, so it’s private and secure. By splitting the costs among many clients, MSSPs can offer you top-notch security without breaking the bank. It’s a smart choice for smaller businesses to stay safe online without spending too much money.

Proactive threat hunting

Cyber threats are getting more advanced, and cybercriminals are developing attacks to avoid detection by many standard cybersecurity solutions. This implies that your organisation may have cyber threats that are present but undetected within its network.

Detecting these hidden threats requires proactive threat-hunting skills, where security experts look for indicators of an attacker’s presence on your organisation’s network. Effective threat hunting requires a strong cybersecurity solution stack and threat hunters with extensive cybersecurity knowledge. But, getting them can be difficult or expensive for any company.

When you partner up with an MSSP, you get access to a team of experts who are perfect at hunting down these hidden threats. They can find and deal with problems in your network that you might not have even known about. So, even if you don’t have all the skills and tools yourself, you can still keep your company safe from cyber threats.

Access to advanced technology

Even if your company has really good security measures in place, there can still be some gaps that need to be filled for total protection.

Managed security solutions go beyond simply adopting technology to improve your security posture. They also collect data from different sources and put it together in a way that helps to detect threats to your company and reduce weaknesses before they become big problems. They also use technology to check how secure your company is, to find any key vulnerabilities, and to report on them. These key vulnerabilities are often what cyber attackers look for when trying to break into even the most secure companies.

Minimising your organisation’s cyber risk

Maintaining an effective cybersecurity program requires a lot of time and effort for a business. However, partnering with a managed security service provider can make things easier and cheaper.

Managed security service providers help make your company’s online security stronger and simpler. Plus, they do it all for a lower cost than doing it yourself. It’s like having a helpful friend who knows a lot about online security and takes care of everything for you.


Managed security services can be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. By choosing the right managed security service provider, you can improve your company’s security posture, reduce the risk of cyber attacks, and improve compliance with security regulations. You can also reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve customer confidence.

Take your first step towards securing your business with our managed security services to improve your organisation’s cybersecurity. By partnering with our dedicated team of experts, you can keep your organisation’s data safe and secure. Contact us today to find out how our managed security services can protect your business from the latest cyber threats.



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