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Benefits of NBN: Unlock Your Business Full Potential

benefits of nbn

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Imagine you are to upload a file, but due to the lack of fast internet and the buffer issue, it is taking too long time; it eventually makes your online experience bad and even creates obstacles in your business. Thus having internet with high speed is crucial. For your daily tasks related to the internet, or to enjoy working from home either in urban or rural Australia or just to enjoy the internet that has reliability and fast broadband, the NBN Connection is the best solution for you. So how did this NBN- the new medium to access better internet in Australia come into existence? Well, some years back, businesses in Australia needed help with slow internet speed. The Government got into the seriousness of this problem, and hence in 2009, announced the launch of NBN. 

What is NBN?

NBN stands for “National Broadband Network”. NBN is a national wholesale open-access data network run by an Australian government-owned company called NBN Co. To be precise, NBN aims to address Australia’s broadband availability and performance as well as offer a fibre-optic replacement for the copper access network. Internet service providers enter into agreements with NBN to access the data network and offer fixed Internet access to customers. 

The NBN network serves as Australia’s digital backbone and continually works to improve communication in communities and companies. NBN technologies offer a variety of wired (copper, fibre optic, and hybrid fibre-coaxial) and radio (satellite and fixed wireless)connection methods. Furthermore, wired communication includes Fibre to the building (FTTB), Fibre to the curb (FTTC), Fibre to the node (FTTN), Fibre to the premises (FTTP), Hybrid Fibre-coaxial (HFC), while wireless includes Fixed Wireless and Satellite. 

 In late 2020, the Australian government announced that the NBN rollout was formally completed. Furthermore, the NBN network strives to bring long-term and sustainable financial growth, make improvements to Australia’s digital capabilities, and enhance the economic success and social opportunity.

ADSL vs NBN: The Difference

Two of the most commonly used internet option in Australia is ADSL and NBN. NBN, an Australian Government initiative for telecommunications, is more promising than ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), a broadband connection that funnels data from a box to your device. With NBN plans, you can enjoy a download speed of 1000Mbps which is way more than the average Australian ADSL plan, which offers a speed of 8Mbps. In addition, the fastest ADSL plan- the ADSL2+ plan, offers a speed of around only 24Mbps. 

So, Which is better for you ADSL or NBN? No doubt it is NBN. In fact, people may have automatically moved to an NBN plan for their home phone and internet because ADSL services are turned off in most places where NBN has been implemented. Further, the government has made it obvious that NBN is Australia’s future as it has low costs and excellent speeds, satisfying the needs of businesses.

Also Read: NBN vs Fibre: Which internet connection is best for Home/Business? 

Benefits of NBN Connection

With NBN’s better connectivity and faster internet, both big and small businesses are now enjoying great benefits. At present, there is a growing demand for Australian products from the market around the world. With the improved internet connection offered by NBN, Australian SMBs can reach markets far and wide and enjoy stable online selling platforms. Have you started your plans with NBN and relished the benefits? If not, then let’s look at the key benefits or advantages of the NBN connection that you are missing.

1. Make your online presence better

At present date, a great online presence is crucial for every company. In fact, it is a top priority for a business that is seeking to stand out worldwide. If your internet connection is subpar, then launching a website or running an e-commerce site can be challenging. When you switch to an NBN connection, you can improve your online presence and make it simpler for customers to make purchases and stay connected.

2. Strong Relationships within the office and with customers

The use of virtual meetings and video conferencing has hiked in businesses. Thanks to the NBN connection, these meetings have gotten better. Online meetings with office members, customers, and suppliers get easier. In business, the quicker the customer service, the better the chances of growth. With NBN’s fast internet connection, you can receive enquiries fast and respond to them almost instantly.

3. Freedom of work in digital workspace 

Whatever your business or business size is, cloud computing is a cost-effective and efficient solution to streamline your operations. With a great internet connection, cloud storage and cloud computing, business owners can access company data, apps, servers, and software from anywhere using any device. Using NBN Connection, businesses can eliminate the need for local server storage and maintenance. With an NBN  faster internet connection, employees working from home can also work effectively. All in all, your NBN connection ensures flexible working.

4. You can have increased and better collaborations

NBN’s faster broadband facilitates the ability to interact and communicate more easily. This hence results in a reduction in delays and connection problems. Sharing your documents, making video calls and holding virtual meetings through screen-sharing programs or apps gets better with an NBN connection. This can hence flourish collaboration with other brands, influencers, or others.

5. Better Business Productivity 

Weak connections can lead to downtime, restrict users from accessing data, and, most crucially, cost your company valuable working hours. But with an NBN connection, slow internet and frequent dropouts will almost disappear, and your business can relish high-speed internet, foster better operating procedures, and utilise new platforms and channels for service promotion. All in all, you can have an NBN connection and enjoy productivity, just as companies that just shifted to cloud computing benefited from a whopping 41% jump in productivity.

6. Make A Good Cost Savings

With cloud storage or presence in the cloud, businesses can save costs on office space by moving to rural office locations or when running a virtual office environment. Additionally, businesses can save money by maintaining a creative theme throughout their integrated communications and campaigns.

7. You can improve your business resilience

Businesses must be able to recognise potential risks and develop strategies to reduce them if any incident does take place. This calls for setting solid business resilience. Business resilience is the ability to continue running a business while protecting brand equity through disturbances. Business resilience is not just about being able to survive a crisis; it also involves being able to thrive in future. With NBN connection, businesses can enhance corporate innovation capabilities and hence better corporate resilience. With the NBN, you’ll be able to continue working even if your office is closed physically. 

8. You can level up your eCommerce   

You need strong and reliable internet to have a strong online retail company. A better internet rate with NBN helps you run an online retail store and provide better digital experience services. With your brick-and-mortar set up, your business may only be open for some hours, but with a stronger connection, you can be present online 24/7 and gain orders or inquiries from anywhere.

7. You can enjoy the better-integrated communication

Through integrated marketing communication, a company can always convey the same message to customers who connect with different mediums. Thus, with integrated communication, businesses can maintain consistency, build better awareness of their business, and send emphasised messages. When your business gets connected to an NBN connection, you are ensured fast internet connectivity and better-integrated communications and technology. Thus, you don’t have to juggle with several vendors and suppliers and eventually enjoy a comprehensive and scalable solution.

8. Avail the latest technology

Businesses become more technologically driven when they get busier; hence they invest in cutting-edge technology products and AI tools. Many such tools give organisations capabilities that create value and promote growth. By implementing the NBN Connection and having access to quick Internet, businesses are encouraged to utilise or create better technology and tools. Adding to this, with the help of a monthly cloud subscription service of NBN, small businesses can now afford software solutions that enable them to access better technology and produce superior outcomes for the business.

9. NBN will bring New Opportunities for your business

NBN offers the best internet connection and gets your business well-connected online, which hence makes the present business better while also paving the way for better opportunities. With more business opportunities, you can enjoy business success, both domestically and internationally. Another benefit of NBN connection is the removal of technical barriers and improvements in communication.

The bottom line is that with NBN Connection, your business will thrive and will continue to progress.

What about NBN Business Plans?

Australian businesses can utilise NBN business plans and witness the journey of how smoothly their business grows. For businesses, NBN broadband is made available in different NBN Speed tiers.

In the NBN Speed tiers, you can find:

  • NBN 25/5 (Basic II): Max download speed 25Mbps and maximum upload speed of 5Mbps
  • NBN 25/10 (Basic II): Max download speed 25Mbps and maximum upload speed of 10Mbps.
  • NBN 50 (Standard): Max download speed 50Mbps and maximum upload speed of 20Mbps.
  • NBN 100/20 (Fast): Max download speed 100Mbps and maximum upload speed of 20Mbps.
  • NBN 100/40 (Fast): Max download speed 100Mbps and maximum upload speed of 40Mbps.
  • NBN 250 (Superfast): Max download speed 250Mbps and maximum upload speed of 25Mbps.
  • NBN 500 (Ultrafast): Max download speed 500Mbps and maximum upload speed of 50Mbps.
  • NBN 1000 (Ultrafast): Max download speed 1000Mbps and maximum upload speed of 50Mbps.

Why Choose NSW IT Support for your NBN Connection?

Are you still using old copper wire networks? Are you still putting up with unreliable internet? Is your freedom to work interrupted by unstable internet? If so, it is time to switch to the NBN, which offers faster internet and improved stability.

You can easily switch to the NBN with us. We work to provide various solutions to meet your business needs. In addition, we offer business internet plans that are designed to be flexible and transparent. 

Please contact us for further information or details on our internet plans and other IT support services. We will make sure to explain each service properly.



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