Top 9 Common VoIP Problems & ways to Troubleshoot Them

voip user with frustration

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VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) has emerged as a cornerstone technology for modern communication infrastructure. Compared to traditional PBX phone systems, it offers unparalleled flexibility, cost-effectiveness and scalability.

However, like any technology, VoIP phone systems also have their challenges. This is where the frustration sets in—dropped calls, choppy audio and robotic voices become unwelcome guests in conversations. From network issues to hardware malfunctions, various factors contribute to disrupting VoIP services, causing frustration and hindering productivity for businesses and individuals alike.

In this article, we’ll explore the most common VoIP issues and offer practical solutions to address them effectively, ensuring uninterrupted voice communication and enhancing VoIP call quality.

9 Common VoIP Problems

  1. Poor Call Quality
  2. Network Jitter
  3. Call Dropping
  4. Echo
  5. Audio Delays
  6. Security Concerns
  7. Bandwidth Limitations
  8. Hardware Failures
  9. Unable to Make Calls

Poor Call Quality

Poor call quality refers to issues that affect the clarity and intelligibility of the audio during VoIP calls. It is one of the most common problems in the world of VoIP, disrupting conversations and leaving you feeling disconnected. Problems include choppy or distorted voice, muffled sound, background noise, or inconsistent audio levels. They can occur due to network congestion, where the VoIP data packets carrying voice information get delayed or lost amidst heavy traffic.

Inadequate bandwidth allocation is another cause, as it restricts the amount of data that can be transmitted, leading to compromised audio quality. Additionally, outdated codecs or hardware components can contribute to poor call quality, as they may not efficiently compress and transmit voice data.

Network Jitter

Network jitter refers to the variation in the time it takes for data packets carrying your voice information to travel from one point to another across the internet. Imagine it like this: instead of a smooth, high-speed highway, your voice data travels on a bumpy road with uneven terrain.

Jitter can occur due to network congestion, unstable internet connection, or improper QoS settings. When jitter occurs, some packets may arrive too early, while others may be delayed, leading to inconsistencies in audio transmission. This causes choppy or garbled voice quality, making it difficult to understand the conversation.

Call Dropping

Call dropping is the sudden and unexpected disconnect in the middle of a VoIP call that leaves you hanging. It can be frustrating for users and can disrupt ongoing conversations, leading to a negative user experience. This issue usually occurs on outbound calls on high-volume networks and can happen due to various reasons, such as network instability, insufficient signal strength, or compatibility issues between different network components or devices.


Echo in VoIP calls refers to the phenomenon where a caller hears their own voice repeated back to them with a delay, typically ranging from milliseconds to a few seconds. It can be caused by:

  • Acoustic Feedback: This happens when the sound from the speaker is picked up by the microphone and sent back to the caller. It creates a loop where the caller hears their own voice repeated.
  • Improper Audio Setup: Echo can occur if the microphone or speaker is placed incorrectly or if the audio settings are not right. For example, if the microphone is too sensitive, it might pick up background noise and create an echo.
  • Echo Cancellation: Some VoIP devices try to cancel out echo, but sometimes it doesn’t work well. This can happen if the cancellation settings aren’t adjusted correctly or if there are hardware limitations.

Audio Delays

Audio delays, also known as latency, refer to the time it takes for a sound to travel from the speaker to the listener. High latency can result in noticeable delays, making conversations feel unnatural and hindering real-time communication. Audio delays in VoIP calls can be problematic, especially in real-time communication scenarios where timing is critical, such as during business conversations or conference calls. Factors like network congestion, long transmission distances, inefficient routing, or processing delays within the VoIP system can cause latency.

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Security Concerns

Unlike traditional phone or PBX lines, VoIP calls travel over the internet, making them potentially vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Without proper security measures, sensitive voice data and call information can be compromised. Cybercriminals can exploit vulnerabilities to manipulate VoIP calls, potentially altering information or even injecting malicious code and disrupting audio quality.

What attacks are VoIP most vulnerable to?

VoIP systems face vulnerabilities such as eavesdropping, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, spoofing, Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks, vishing (Voice Phishing), call tampering and call hijacking. These threats can compromise call privacy, disrupt services, and lead to identity theft or fraud.

Also Read: PBX Vs VOIP: What Are The Main Differences?

Bandwidth Limitations

VoIP calls rely on the smooth flow of data packets across the internet. Insufficient bandwidth can lead to call quality degradation, voice distortion, or dropped calls. Bandwidth limitations can occur when the available network capacity is insufficient to handle the volume of VoIP traffic or when other bandwidth-intensive applications or activities are consuming the available resources.

For example, if an employee tries to make a VoIP call to a client while another employee is downloading large files or streaming video content, the VoIP phone call may suffer from poor call quality or even drop unexpectedly due to insufficient available bandwidth for VoIP traffic.

Hardware Failures

Hardware failures in VoIP systems refer to malfunctions or breakdowns in the physical components that are used for voice communication over IP networks. As time passes, VoIP phones and adaptors can develop internal hardware issues such as worn-out microphones, damaged speakers, or malfunctioning internal components. These issues can lead to poor audio quality, dropped calls, or complete call failure. Moreover, outdated firmware can cause compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities and glitches that affect sound quality or functionality.

Unable to Make Calls

Having difficulties making calls on your VoIP system can be highly frustrating, especially when you need to connect urgently. This problem can occur for various reasons, such as registration issues with the VoIP service provider, network connectivity problems, or firewall issues. Additionally, common configuration errors, including misconfigured SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) settings, incorrect network settings, or blocked VoIP traffic due to firewall rules, can also lead to the inability to make calls.

Tips for Troubleshooting VoIP Issues and Improve Call Quality

Troubleshooting VoIP issues requires a systematic approach. Here are some VoIP troubleshooting tips or steps to improve phone call quality.

Restart all your devices

Restarting your devices might sound simple, but a simple reboot of your VoIP phone, adaptor and router can often resolve temporary glitches. After resetting, reconfigure network settings and test VoIP connectivity. This method is effective for resolving various VoIP call quality issues, including network connectivity problems, call dropping and poor call quality due to router or device malfunctions.

Run a VoIP Speed Test

A VoIP speed test is a crucial tool for evaluating your internet connection’s ability to handle VoIP calls effectively. Use online speed test tools or software applications designed for assessing network performance. Conduct tests at different times of the day to identify potential network traffic congestion or bandwidth limitations. By performing a VoIP speed test, you can evaluate key network performance metrics such as latency, jitter and packet loss to determine if your network has sufficient bandwidth for VoIP.

Check Connectivity

Verifying network connectivity is crucial for troubleshooting VoIP problems and ensuring proper communication between VoIP devices and the service provider’s servers. Network outages, cable disconnections, or IP address conflicts can disrupt VoIP communication, which is why it’s important to check VoIP network cables, Wi-Fi connections and router settings to ensure that all devices are connected to the network correctly.

Disable SIP ALG

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Application Layer Gateway (ALG) is a feature in many routers that can interfere with SIP-based VoIP traffic, causing audio quality issues such as dropped calls or one-way audio. Disabling SIP ALG can help resolve these issues. Once you’ve disabled SIP ALG, test your VoIP calls to see if the issue has been resolved. If the problem persists, contact your VoIP provider for further assistance.

Looking for a trusted VoIP provider? With our years of experience and commitment to excellence, we offer reliable VoIP solutions tailored to your business-specific needs. Contact us today.

Update VoIP software and hardware

Regularly updating VoIP application software and hardware ensures that you have access to the latest features, bug fixes, security patches and performance enhancements. Make sure to inspect your VoIP hardware components, such as routers, switches, VoIP phones and cables, for any signs of damage, loose connections, or improper configurations. By keeping your system up-to-date, you can improve its reliability, compatibility and security.

Implementing Security Measures

Utilise strong authentication mechanisms to verify the identity of users and devices accessing the VoIP system. Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) and strong password policies to prevent unauthorised access. Ensure that your VoIP traffic is encrypted to protect call data from eavesdropping and interception. Conduct regular security audits and assessments to discover vulnerabilities and compliance gaps in your VoIP infrastructure.

Setup QoS Settings

Quality of Service (QoS) settings in routers allow you to prioritise VoIP traffic over other types of network traffic. It ensures that voice packets are transmitted with minimal delay and prioritised during periods of data traffic congestion. To configure QoS settings, access your router’s settings interface and locate the QoS or Traffic Management section. Then, assign a higher priority to VoIP traffic or reserve bandwidth for VoIP applications by setting QoS rules. This will ensure that your VoIP calls go smoothly without interruption.


In today’s interconnected world, maintaining a high-quality VoIP system is more critical than ever for seamless and dependable communication. Adopting a proactive approach to managing your VoIP phone system and promptly addressing any issues can significantly enhance call quality and ensure a smooth communication experience. We understand that each VoIP connection is unique, which is why our solutions are tailored to meet your specific requirements and infrastructure.

In addition to resolving current issues, we offer guidance on preventive measures to mitigate potential future problems. By implementing best practices and proactive maintenance strategies, we empower you to sustain optimal VoIP performance over time. Reach out to us today to overcome your VoIP challenges and ensure uninterrupted communication.



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